A very nice tool. WiFi Pineapple. If you’re doing wireless pentests, this is a pretty useful gadget for only ~$100.
Thoughts on tech and random things I find on the web
A very nice tool. WiFi Pineapple. If you’re doing wireless pentests, this is a pretty useful gadget for only ~$100.
Open source won. I don’t know if “won” is exactly the right term to use, but if you’re not at least giving an serious consideration to open source alternatives; you’re doing it wrong.
As I’ve mentioned before, I didn’t make it out to the BlackHat this year. These are the top 5 ways to tell you’re not at a Vegas Con. Ā šĀ Some of the other notable things that I saw coming out from BlackHat/Defcon:
1. A significant vulnerability in MSCHAPv2 and by extension PPTP Microsoft VPN. The keys are too small at 56-bit DES. If you’re are still using it: don’t. The tool is here
2. A long paper about intrusion kill chains and a short summary of it. Here is one more for good measure. It boils down to the fact that you want to be able to detect and respond to an attack as early as possible. The only way to do that is to be able to look at events in context and be able to correlateĀ disparate event streams into a single attack.
3. Ā A very neat attack tool. Could be excellent for pen testing.
4. Javascript attacks on SOHO routers.
5. Vulnerabilities in payment terminals.
6. How to attack poorly configured Apache servers. A new tool has been released for this. Vulnerability isn’t new; lazy admins with bad .htaccess files have been doing this for a while. This automates the process.
7. Possibly a nice extension to one of my favorite tools: Maltego.
8. A fairly significant 0-day against Oracle.
Another major password FAIL. In fact, it’s not just the passwords, but more or less everything. Brought to you by Tesco.
LA Times ran a series last week about the explosion of population growth on Earth. A very interesting set of articles. To me, it seems unsustainable. There is no way that everyone can afford to eat meat every day and drive an SUV. The alternative appears to be billions of people living in absolute poverty.
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